spoiler alert....
1. Could palpatine be Vader's father? they never told us who his father was but it makes a lot of sense. the force was strong in anakin and the jedi could sense it from a distance. it makes sense that his father would be a strong force sensitive being like palpatine. ani had much fear in him and the sith thrive on power from fear. Being both an evil sith and a senator he would have no problem with raping a slave on a desert planet. In fact he probably has many children across the Galaxy.
2. midichlorians. jedi have them. sith have them. parents who have them pass them down to children. your dna comes from your parents half from mom. half from dad. so fifty percent of your midichlorians go to your children. that is why luke had so much trouble beating vader because the parent has twice as many midis as the child. each generation gets a little weaker you see.
3. the force. in the star wars universe there exists a cosmic thing called the force. you might even call it a cosmic being or a force of nature. jedi and sith can draw from its power and use it to do magical things. they can freeze blaster bolts. levitate. lift rocks and planes. throw people. choke people. control people. and tell them these are not the droids you are looking for and make them believe it.
its a pretty awesome skill to be able to control the force. but only those with a lot of midichlorians can do it. and the more you have the more you can do. the stronger jedi can overpower the weaker jedi because they have more power. more midis. however, the number of people in the universe who can use the force is a factor as well. when there are a lot of jedi, they all can use the force, but they are all weaker because there are more force sensitives in existence. the less jedi there are the stronger they become. this is why the sith keep killing them off, so they can be stronger. also, the sith lord will only allow one apprentice to live so he will be stronger as well.
4. the phoenix force. over in the marvel multiverse, there is a cosmic entity similar to the force called the phoenix force. those who can use its power are called phoenixes. they call themselves mutants but not all mutants can use the phoenix force. each mutant has different powers based on their dna.
children of mutants get dna from mutant parents and they inherit powers from them sometimes. you might say that the mutants who can use the phoenix force are force sensitives or marvel universe jedi. technically the marvel mutants and the star wars jedi are in different galaxies and may even exist in the same universe. further you could say that the jedi are mutants as they have unique powers that others in their galaxy have that come from their dna. so yes the definition fits. jedi are star wars universe mutants.
5. the less jedi and sith there are the stronger they become. if there are only a few jedi and sith left they become stronger because there are no others to draw on the force and so the last of the jedi have more power than they did when there were lots of jedi. sending anakin to kill the children in the temple made him and palpatine stronger and the other jedi as well, and that is why they all knew when it happened. they could feel the power surge and the loss of power in the galaxy.
6. highlander. much like the immortals of the highlander universe, when there are only two force sensitives left in the star wars universe, they both become extremely powerful and if one kills the other they win the prize of ultimate power and control over the force. in the end there can be only one.
however, when another force sensitive is born then there will be two again just as in the highlander realm where a new immortal can be born and the game starts over again.
7. jedi and sith are mutants. they have different dna from other beings in the galaxy and their power comes from their dna.
8. the sith are just jedi who do bad things. the sith and the jedi are the same except the sith do bad things that the jedi will not. they make a decision to go dark and they can change their mind any time they want to. vader chose to save his son and turn on palpatine for example.
9. Jean Grey is a jedi. So is her daughter Rachel. probably all of her children and their clones too. she can control the phoenix force so she is the marvel multiverse's Jedi knight.
10. The Marvel multiverse and the Star Wars multiverse may be the same. The stories take place in different galaxies so we cant say for sure that they are not in the same universes. imagine if thor or captain marvel went to the star wars galaxy. that would be awesome.
11. jedi are immortal, when they die they become a part of the force itself and continue to exist as a "force ghost." and they have more control over the force so they become more powerful than you could ever imagine. jedi have souls you guys.
12. jedi are metas. in the dc universe, the jedi would be considered to be metas or metahumans because of their mutant ability to control the force.
*epstein didnt kill himself in the Disney, Marvel, DC or Star Wars universes either.
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